William and Kate
Denotation: This image shows Will and Kate holding eachother and looking extremely happy. It specifically shows off her ring which is boldly shown as her hand is almsost in the middle of the image.
Connotation: The fact that the ring is the centre of attention in this image explains the couples extreme happiness for eachother as we can guess they are recently engaged. they are holding eachother to show the viewer that they are 'in-love' and symbolise the perfect couple.
Lighting - The lighting in theis image is quite bright which creates a positive atmosphere. The lighting is coming from outside of the window, which is a natural light, indicating that it is a sunny day and creates a happy mood. The light reflected on their faces gives the image a heavenly effect which represents who the couple are trying to be.
Framing - In the image, they are in a building with white walls and a window that you can see trees outside of it. This symbolises the innocence of the couple, the white walls represent purity and the trees that you can see represents nature, alose purity and innocence. The image is framed specifically around the couples faces so that their expressions are the first thing that you notice.
Composition - This image is made up of only 2 people (William and Kate) specifically so that they are the centre of attention. Their innocence is also presented through their soft colour of clothing which are all pastel. Their body composition, with their arms around eachother, is specifically emphasising her engagement ring which is why they are significantly so happy, shown by their overjoyed expressions.
Cropping - This image is cropped so that you can only see the couple holding eachother and a minute part of the background. The fact that only the top half of their bodies are in the image helps enhance their innocence, whereas if Kate was wearing a short dress, for instance, she would seem more promiscuous. By cropping the photo like this, it also makes sure all of the focus is on them and that we are not distracted by anyone else.
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